National Health Freedom Coalition

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Big Tech is pushing federal bills to increase unsafe wireless technology instead of promoting wired broadband, which is not only faster and cheaper, but also safer and more secure. The additional wireless infrastructure will subject our earth to greatly increased levels of radio frequency radiation which has a toxic impact on the health of humans and other living things. Should Congress support a technology that is well known to have adverse health and environmental effects when safer, better technology exists?


Wireless Radiation


By wireless radiation we mean here the electromagnetic radiation from cell antennas and 5G poles that is increasingly ever present. We mean the man-made sources of mainly microwave radiation that is far greater now than humans have been exposed to on this planet in the past. The intensity of microwave radiation we are exposed to now is greater than the intensity levels in our grandparents’ days by a factor of 1018 ! That number describes the enormous difference between the intensity level of the current day versus what we had in the past. This unnatural radiation is unlike sunlight and other natural radiation that we have lived in harmony with for eons. That growth is allowed and fostered by government exposure guidelines that protect the wireless industry rather than the well-being of Americans. 


Safety Guidelines?


In 1996 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) offered guidelines for microwave intensity that supposedly would protect our health. These guidelines only addressed thermal effects, the effects that occurred at levels that heated a body. Guidelines with thermal effects alone were not in line with the scientific knowledge at the time, as it was already well known especially through military studies that this radiation can have enormous biological effects even without raising a person’s body temperature.   These effects include neurological damage, blood disorders, vascular disorders, metabolic disorders, sperm damage, and more


The FCC is in charge of setting standards for radiation and health. It has refused to update these regulations since 1996, despite the increase in the number and type of exposure to wireless radiation we have today. The FCC was sued by public interest groups and a 2021 court ruling stated that they ignored extensive scientific evidence brought forward showing harm and that they failed to provide a reason that their current guidelines adequately protect us from the harm of microwave radiation. The FCC to date has not responded to the court’s ruling. 


Wired Broadband and Bridging the Digital Divide

Too often, government policies have favored wireless technology over the safer wired technology.  The government should not favor one industry over the other, unless one of the industries is safer for the public. Fiber optics technology uses laser light to communicate, and the light stays within the fiber and so it does not cause health and environmental issues the way that wireless technology does. It is widely available and more reliable. It furthers the goal of bridging the “digital divide,” as it can more cheaply bring internet to all who need it. It does not need expensive “upgrades” every few years, as does the wireless option. It uses less energy and is not a burden on the electrical grid. 


Many current federal bills that increase risk to humans have already passed in the House and are now in the Senate, alone or in other larger bills. Our government has favored the more harmful technology long enough. Our Senators should know that it is time to favor the safe, wired option, especially if we want to “bridge the digital divide.”


National Parks, Wilderness Areas and Farms will be Plagued with Radiation from New Antennas


Several bills currently in Congress target wilderness areas on national lands and are set to “carpet” these areas with wireless antennas. All living things should be able to enjoy wilderness free from the adverse effects of wireless radiation.  By some estimates, approximately one-third of people have some form of radiation sickness, where their health is affected by the radiation. More people are likely to suffer as exposure to wireless radiation continues and increases.  Wildlife, trees, plants, and birds can all suffer from wireless radiation too. The wilderness should be largely protected from this harmful unnatural radiation. There is a choice to make: should we have unsafe wireless radiation through antennas or more energy efficient, safer, more reliable, cheaper fiber broadband?  Individuals inside dwellings could still use wireless internet hooked up to the wired broadband. The fiber option does not prevent the use of WiFi in a building. Senators may not understand this choice. 


Experts with The National Call for Safe Technology are meeting with US Senators in many states on these issues. If you would like to help set up such a meeting with your US Senator, let The National Call know at