Our sister organization, National Health Freedom Action (NHFA), has sent this alert to their
subscribers. We think it’s an important health freedom issue at this time.
Thank you for your continued support of health freedom.

Write to Your Governor and Legislators!
Tell Them to Preserve Health Freedom
During this Controversial Focus on Coronavirus
What would I say to my Governor and Legislators?
“The countermeasures for this respiratory illness are extremely
disproportionate and disastrous. The mandates being utilized are
destroying the lives and health of Americans”.
Take Action Here and Write to your Governor and Legislators and tell them four things that they can do to protect your health freedom immediately:
- Stop giving mandatory countermeasure orders and threats to citizens that harm their health and their lives and that require citizens to act without consent.
The people of America need to be able to go back to work with full participation at restaurants, stores, businesses, and manufacturing facilities without any fear of restrictions. Countless people are suffering in mind, body and spirit because of loss of jobs, fear, and threats.
- Ask that media, information outlets, and messaging to the public, be truthful and free from financial conflicts of interest.
People deserve to have access to all information and perspectives from all sources. Censorship and suppression of informational sources are happening aggressively and on a large scale. The government should take steps to ensure freedom of speech immediately and protect fundamental constitutional rights.
- Ask your Governor and Legislators to listen to, and act on, the science and knowledge set forth by thousands of experts around the world who have no conflict of interest.
Important perspectives include the work of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at Children’s Health Defense Fund in the U.S. and the German Extra-Parliamentary Committee investigating corona virus, and many other sources of information including world expert epidemiologists, physicians, lawyers and religious leaders.
- Educate your constituents on ways to strengthen their immune systems to better prepare them to face immune system challenges such as COVID.
It is clear that those individuals with stronger health generally deal with acute respiratory illness better than those with chronic illness. And there is much that can be done for each person to help them increase their level of health and their immune system. You are in a position to encourage and educate people to be stronger and healthier and less vulnerable. To fail to do so is a great disservice to your constituents.
We Americans must align with our fundamental rights of
self-determination and personal liberties to call upon our strengths,
not our fears, in coping with emergencies.
“The only thing that governments need
to make people into slaves is fear”.[i]
[i] Quote of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Peaceful Rallies Around the World to Champion Freedom, The Defender, September 20, 2020, accessed online October 27, 2020 here on the Children’s Health Defense Website.