Diane Miller
Diane Miller is a Minnesota attorney who successfully helped to defend a Minnesota farmer from charges of “practice of medicine without a license”. After State v. Saunders, Miller proceeded to design health freedom legislation for the State of Minnesota and was the lead lobbyist and legislative consultant to the Minnesota Natural Health-Legal Reform Project responsible for passing the consumer driven legislation entitled the Minnesota Complementary and Alternative Health Care Freedom of Access Act. The new law exempts unlicensed health care practitioners from charges of “practice of medicine without a license”. In 2000 Miller co-founded the National Health Freedom Coalition, a national information resource for health freedom decision-making, to support individuals and states that are interested in health seekers access to complementary and alternative health care.
Miller is currently Legal and Public Policy Director of the National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC) and it’s sister organization, the National Health Freedom Action (NHFA). NHFC provides information and resources to health freedom decision-makers across the country. Her work involves state, national, and international health freedom issues, and Miller works to help monitor and promote an understanding of various forms of legislation, international trade guidelines, and Charters. Her role as Co-Moderator of the World Health Freedom Assembly, a 2006 project of NHFC, and her future role as Co-Moderator of the upcoming United States Health Freedom Assembly in October 2007 demonstrate her vision and determination to bring health freedom to the United States and global conversations and arena.
Diane Miller is a graduate of the College of St. Teresa and Hamline University School of Law. A former Chemist and Licensed Medical Technologist, Miller responded to her deep interest in the politics of healing by becoming an Attorney in private practice with a concentration in Alternative Health Law, Family Law, and Divorce and Child Custody Mediation. She is a founding member of the Minnesota Natural Health Coalition, the Minnesota Natural Health-Legal Reform Project, the National Health Freedom Coalition, the National Health Freedom Action, and the World Health Freedom Assembly. She is also a student of Master Chunyi Lin in the practice of Qi Gong.
“I believe that laws and customs must be carefully reviewed, revised, and even repealed if necessary, and new ones created, to reflect the continual development, evolution, and spiritual maturation of a people.” -Diane Miller JD
email: similars@aol.com