Despite attacks on freedom in 2023, NHFC is still here, working to protect inherent rights, our natural rights, considered sacred. Our organization is one of few non-profits that stand firm to protect a practitioner’s right to serve, and for people to have access to holistic modalities, and complementary and alternative practitioners, state-by-state. Thanks to you, we offer guidance to those who request our services at no charge. In 2023, NHFC worked with four states to draft Safe Harbor Practitioner Exemption Bills: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Florida, and Oregon.
As long as people remain involved, then efforts to block freedoms are slowed or thwarted. For example, when groups of licensed practitioners, within the U.S., attempt to block Traditional unlicensed healers from the right to practice, NHFC steps in to organize local groups and offer support. In 2023, NHFC helped to defeat a Florida naturopathic licensing bill, that did not have protections for holistic unlicensed practitioners.
On a larger scale, international organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), and their work on a pandemic and emergency response accord, and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and their work on Codex and international food standards, make far reaching decisions that negatively impact healthcare on a global scale. With unelected officials representing member countries, positioned to make international policy decisions, citizens are more aware. They are demanding protection of national laws. As an educational organization, NHFC sends eblasts and alerts, identifies harmful legislation when introduced, and counsels state leaders for effective lobbying, so people can make real impacts at critical junctures.
Education is key. When it comes to protecting health freedom, our staff attorneys educate groups about how to participate in the political and legislative processes that impact freedom.
As NHFC board president, I invite you to learn more about: 1) legislation to protect unlicensed practitioners, 2) Right-to-Refuse project to track state bills, and 3) ways to become involved where you live. We can always be found at As always, thank you for your generous, continued support as we navigate challenging times. And for the opportunity to work alongside you.
Thank you.
In health freedom,
Rosanne Lindsay, ND, MA
President, National Health Freedom Coalition
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