Geoengineering is a term that is used to describe large scale manipulation of weather. Usually engineering itself is an application of science to an industrial process or a machine. Geoengineering is a specific type of engineering with the goal of modification of the earth itself. Media portrayals of geoengineering typically describe possible ways to alter the composition of the earth’s atmosphere or to reduce the influx of solar energy so as to curb the warming of the planet. But the media accounts don’t reveal that any such activities are going on already but sketch them only as future possibilities that would be vigorously debated scientifically and ethically. But here we share information that indicates that considerable activities of geoengineering have been going on in America and elsewhere over the last 25 years. The secrets of this technology have spilled out into many venues causing a great debate about what is actually taking place and how to regulate such activities.
The media rarely reports on this topic in depth. But the purpose of this article is to introduce you to some of the main topics of concern regarding what is happening in our skies, and some of the researchers who have dedicated their talents to addressing this topic.
Contrails and Chemtrails

Everyone witnesses jets crisscross the sky, leaving trails that often spread out. Contrails is the term used for jet trails made by the condensation of water into droplets, they last only for a few seconds and disappear in less than a minute. It is said that almost all jet engines are now incapable of creating a water vapor trail. Chemtrails is the term used to describe the more persistent jet trails in the sky, trails that spread out and the sky turns murky, cloudy, dirty looking and gray. They are thought to be the result of chemicals being sprayed in the sky.
Can geoengineering the weather provide a kinder, gentler, weapon system?
America’s nuclear arsenal has been long touted as a bedrock of its military superiority and might. The idea of detonation of nuclear weapons, however, even on a limited basis, is repugnant to most of humanity. A full-scale nuclear exchange would come close to being an extinction event, and for those remaining, the land, food, and water would be toxic. Even the “victors” in such a conflict, if there be such a thing, would hesitate to send troops into a nuclear contaminated landscape to attempt to reap the spoils of victory. The testing of nuclear bombs has met so much push-back globally that atmospheric testing has been internationally banned (1) and later, underground testing was banned as well (2).
Enter weather-as-a-weapon.
Consider the power and the destructiveness unleashed by a tornado, a hurricane with tidal waves and flooding, or an earthquake perhaps unleashing a tsunami such as the one that destroyed the Fukashima nuclear plant in Japan. Peter A. Kirby’s 2016 book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project describes the aerosol trails sometimes seen overhead as simply the most visible part of a military weapons systems that has been developed by the US military over more than half a century and that has been deployed and tested domestically. He describes this new military weaponry as involving the aerosol spraying of metal compounds followed by the application of electromagnetic waves to increase the ionization of certain parts of the atmosphere. Arrangement of antennas on the ground pump out energy that can alter the path of the jet stream and change the strength and trajectory of a storm system. The Defense Department with its culture of secrecy is perfectly poised to hide this significant part of the military defense operations, hiding it as a classified operation, with the withholding of information from the media and even many of those in the federal government. It has been unresponsive to FOIA attempts to pry open the secrets of its geoengineering operations. (3)
Chemtrails as researched by Clifford Carnicom and his wife Carol
In 1998, Clifford Carnicom, a scientist, and his wife Carol, moved to northern New Mexico. As outdoorsy people and nature photographers they noticed that on some days, unmarked jet planes were flying overhead, spraying trails that did not dissipate and then changed the sky to a dirty gray. Carnicom gathered samples of the substances that had dropped from these jet planes; he sent one of them to the EPA for analysis. The EPA did not respond. Carnicom then decided to study the samples himself. He developed the first (or one of the first) websites (4) on the subject of geoengineering, including his study of the compounds with photographs.
Elana Freeland, her first book, an in-depth look into geoengineering
Writer Elena Freeland, a onetime Waldorf school teacher who morphed into a noted writer-researcher, sought out Clifford Carnicom in New Mexico too, wanting to learn everything she could about geoengineering. In 2014 her first book Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth was published. Perhaps the most in-depth book on the workings of weather warfare, it has a

large chapter on Bernard Eastlund’s 1987 patent on weather as a weapon. It details how electromagnetic fields form a powerful antenna array in Gakona, Alaska, the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), could be used to ionize portions of the atmosphere to control the weather for military purposes. Bernard Eastlund was connected to a company, ARCO, which had vast natural gas deposits in Alaska that could be used to provide the power to send electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation into selected portions of the atmosphere to affect its behavior. Aerosol spraying could be used to put selected chemicals – compounds of aluminum, strontium and barium, and non-metals such as sulfur into the atmosphere. The sprayed region of the atmosphere can then be targeted by electromagnetic radiation that is directed along or close to the earth’s magnetic field lines, causing a motion of charged particles at their cyclotron frequency, increasing the heating, the ionization, creating a plasma that affects both communications and weather – all as described in Eastlund’s detailed patent. If large amounts of energy are needed to generate powerful weather effects, that energy can be provided by the large underground gas deposits that are located near the HAARP antenna array. Freeland also lists a dozen other patents that were filed between 1985 and 1991 on the same topics. (5) Eastlund was just one of many top scientists in the technology and they were all funded heavily by the Department of Defense.

Dane Wigington publicized the issue on Geoengineering Watch.org (6)
Another educator who has investigated and publicized the details of geoengineering is Dane Wigington, a northern Californian with a technical background in solar energy. When he began to explore why his solar uptake was too low on certain days, he connected the trails in the sky with that lack of uptake. He began to test snow and rainwater to ascertain what was being sprayed. Appalled at the detrimental effects of aerosol spraying on the forest and on human health, Wigington has interviewed scientists and top officials including top
military personnel as to the harm being done. Francis Mangels, who had worked for 35 years for the US forest service, explains how elevated levels of aluminum, barium and strontium were found in rainwater and snow on supposedly pristine Mount Shasta on nine different testing days. Wigington’s website GeoengineeringWatch.org became the best-known site for publicizing the issue. In Wigington’s documentary film The Dimming, the title refers to how aerosol spraying reduces the amount of sunlight that reaches the ground, thus reducing the solar energy that can reach crops growing in a field and also the energy that can be collected from solar collectors. The film revealed elevated levels of aluminum and metal compounds at altitudes where the chemtrails have been sprayed. The aluminum compounds found in the aerosol spraying as well as in soil, rain and snow, is an assault on health and the environment. Aluminum produces harmful auto immune and neurological effects.
Geoengineering, with its secrecy, its potential toxicity, and its unethical experimentation on entire populations and the earth, is an unacceptable practice. It is far from being a way to curb global warming, which some people have generously assumed may be part of the purpose. If there are weather weapons being deployed, they should be halted and openly discussed and investigated as to the harmful effects they have had on human health, the environment and for the corrupting effects they have had on the democratic process.
1) A Partial Test Ban Treaty was signed in September 1963 by the Soviet Union, the UK and the US. It was eventually signed by 123 other nations. It banned nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water.
2) In 1996 the UN General Assembly adopted the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, banning “any nuclear weapon test explosion or any other nuclear explosion.” It was eventually signed by more than 180 nations.
3) Freedom of Information Requests (FOIAs) of Air Force were conducted by Stop Geoengineering Minnesota. FOIAs — https://stopgeoengineeringmn.squarespace.com/foias
4) Clifford Carnicom’s work and his scientific papers see CarnicomInstitute.org
5) Elana Freeland’s research, interviews with her, and her books, ElanaFreeland.com
6) Dane Wigington’s broadcasts and his film The Dimming are found on GeoengineeringWatch.org