Homeopathy Helps in Epidemics
Homeopathy Helps in Epidemics
A letter from two renowned homeopaths:
Sally Tamplin DSH PCH MARH and Jacob Mirman MD
The following letter comes to you from two health freedom colleagues of NHFC, renowned homeopaths, Sally Tamplin DSH, PCH, MARH and Jacob Mirman MD. They are asking you to call or write or forward this letter to all your state legislators. Their vision is that governments take a serious look at homeopathy in this time of escalating health crisis. Their special website is flusolution.net. In addition, if you want to write a note directly to your state legislator promoting the use of homeopathy, Click Here to Take Action.
This week is HOMEOPATHY WORLD WIDE AWARENESS WEEK to celebrate Samuel Hahnemann’s birthday April 10 1755!
In this “annus horribilis”, as our nation is in lock down and we are all suffering whether in grief, sickness or economically it is time for our government to leave no stone unturned and to seriously examine the role of homeopathic medicine. It is time for America to wake from its long slumber and to remember again with great gratitude the work of Samuel Hahnemann MD and The Homeopathic Medical School. We want President Donald Trump to know that eleven U.S presidents over 150 years have supported homeopathy. At one time there were homeopathic medical schools and hospitals all over America and homeopathy has a distinguished record fighting epidemic disease.
Homeopaths currently participate in worldwide zoom forums on a regular basis, and we see that our experience has been positive. Many homeopaths practicing all over the world report good results in Covid – 19 cases. In India homeopaths are now seeing patients in hospitals. Most of the time we see the beginning of improvement within several hours of starting the correct medication, and the improvement continues to full resolution of the disease. Most of our cases are in the beginning stages, and we tend to prevent worsening of the disease. Nonetheless, there are now enough reports from the field of more severe cases being reversed as well. Supportive conventional approaches like oxygen and ventilators are great and save lives, but it would be nice to prevent people from needing them in the first place.
Please urge President Donald Trump and his advisors to leave The White House and take a short stroll this week. A stone’s throw from his home is Scott Circle, (Massachusetts and 16th Avenue) graced with a huge and very beautiful monument dedicated on midsummer’s day 1900 by President William Mc Kinley to Hahnemann and his work. It is the only monument in the U.S. capital city to a physician. Please urge President Trump to stop, look and reflect. Supporters for creating the Hahnemann monument included key members of both political parties along with financial contributions from J.D. Rockefeller, H. J. Heinz, Mrs. George Westinghouse, Robert Pitcairn, W.H. Schoen and Henry Oliver amongst many other successful business people living at that time.
Certainly, President Trump would be in good company if he blew the dust off the history books, turned the pages and acknowledged that homeopathy has and still does play an important role in the lives of many people and many nations. Surely this is not something to overlook when our world is in crisis.
History has taught us not to be complacent. It is a historical fact, that Homeopathy is very effective in epidemics. It has been tested in a variety of epidemics, including cholera, typhus, diphtheria, yellow fever and others over the span of about 200 years. Consistently it brought mortality rates to a fraction of those experienced in conventional doctors’ practices. This PPT offers a glimpse of homeopathic experience in epidemics: http://www.similia.lv/interesanti/par-homeopatiju/lives-saved-by-homeopathy/
In the 1918 influenza pandemic, while our conventional colleagues lost upwards of 30% of their patients, the homeopaths reported mortality rates on the order of 1% in their practices.
We have double-blind placebo-controlled research published in peer-reviewed medical journals to prove that homeopathic medications work. See summary and abstracts here: http://www.bookonhealing.com/the-book-demystifying-homeopathy/appendix/
Homeopathic remedies are harmless if properly used. They either help or nothing happens.
Please ask legislators to contact us. We are eager to bring homeopathy to the discussion table. We ask all readers of this plea, to Take Action now and contact your legislators, let us all work together to open up a new chapter in the homeopathic history books.
Thank you