New Right to Refuse Bills and Laws Around the USA!
Since our last update, state legislatures continue to introduce and pass Right to Refuse bills. From delaying K-12 COVID-19 vaccines until 2029, to protecting folks visiting sick loved ones, this wide variety of proposals and new laws shows us that health freedom is alive and well.
Proposed New Laws Include:
SB279: Parental Rights Immunization Act. Health care providers would need to obtain informed consent from parent prior to any child vaccination. Provider to give information on benefits and risks of vaccine, Vaccine Information Statement, CDC Vaccine Injury Table, and other information.
SB115: Privacy and Conscience Protection Act. Would make it a discriminatory act for employer to require employee to disclose vaccination status. Employers which require COVID-19 vaccination must allow privacy exemption for employees to refuse disclosure of vaccine status. Exemptions would have to be accepted without question and without discrimination, vaccine incentives, segregation, or the wearing of a mark/tag showing status.
HB2170: Additions to K-12 vaccine schedule would require legislative approval.
HB20: Under this proposal, no person could compel or coerce another to receive a COVID-19 vaccine contrary to an individual’s vaccination preference. Informed consent required for administration of COVID-19 vaccine. No person may take adverse action against another for refusal of COVID-19 vaccine. Exception for rules by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Health care worker COVID-19 vaccine exemptions for religious belief medical reasons. Remedies.
New York
SB7466: Would require the reinstatement of certain officers and employees of the city of New York who were dismissed from employment due to a COVID-19 vaccine requirement.
Four Newly Passed Bills!
SB29: Government entity may not mandate face masks to prevent spread of COVID-19, vaccination against COVID-19, or business and school closures. Governor signed 6/2/23.
HB44: Prohibits discrimination against a Medicaid recipient or child health plan program enrollee based on immunization status. Governor signed 6/12/23.
HF2298: Prohibits requiring an immunization against COVID-19 for a person to be enrolled in any licensed childcare center, elementary or secondary school, or postsecondary school in Iowa prior to July 1, 2029. Governor signed 6/14/23.
HB291: Provides that health care facility visitor safety-related policies and procedures may not be more stringent than those established for the facility’s staff and may not require visitors to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization. Provides that policies and procedures shall allow consensual physical contact between a resident, client, or patient and their visitor. Other provisions. Governor signed 6/14/23.
All of these bills show us that folks are still using creative and diverse ideas to protect our Right to Refuse!