Right to Refuse bills Moving Strong in 9 More States!
There are 9 more states where right to refuse bills are moving and getting close to passage including Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin.
And two new states, Delaware and Oregon, that have introduced Right to Refuse bills.
Right to refuse legislation works to protect an individual’s right to consent before choosing any medical treatment or intervention, and prohibits medical coercion by government, corporations and other entities. The bills are diverse depending on the states and may include the right to decline government and corporate recommended health measures and treatments including testing, tracking, medical treatments, immunizations, and other recommended countermeasures.
Visit Righttorefuse.org and support the local groups working on these bills.
Click Here to see NHFA’s May posting of bills already passed in 12 states.
See the following descriptions and links to the bills moving forward, and go to the Righttorefuse.org website to see information on the groups that are working at their legislatures to move these bills, and how you can get involved to pass Right to Refuse legislation in your state!
Delaware House Bill 209: This bill prohibits the State, government agencies, and schools from requiring vaccination against COVID-19 or from requiring proof that an individual has been vaccinated against COVID-19, in order to access an area of service that is open to the public.
Status: On June 3rd, this bill was introduced and assigned to House Administration Committee.
Louisiana House Bill 498: Prohibits discrimination by government agencies and officials on the basis of vaccination or immunity status.
Status: Congratulations! HB 498 passed both House and Senate and should be on its way to the Governor soon! After being introduced in April, and moving through the committee process, on June 10th, the conference committee report was read and adopted in both the House (71y:28n) and the Senate (25y:10n).
Michigan House Bill 4667: Prohibits producing, issuing, or providing an incentive for COVID-19 vaccination passports.
Status: After passing on the House Floor, on June 3rd this bill was referred to the Senate committee on Health Policy & Human Services. Stay tuned for a public hearing date! This bill was introduced on April 20, 2021 and a substituted version (h-4) was adopted by the House in May.
Missouri House Bill 589: This bill prohibits entities in the state from requiring proof of vaccine status for travel, and also would prohibit the government from issuing vaccine passports and prohibits business entities from requiring patrons, customers, or employees to provide any documentation certifying COVID-19 vaccination or post transmission recovery to gain access to, entry upon, or service from the business. However, businesses would be able to institute COVID-19 screening protocols in accordance with state and federal law.
Status: After passing on the full House Floor in April this bill passed the Senate committee in early May.
Missouri Senate Bill 403: This bill prohibits any government entity from issuing vaccine passports for the purpose of certifying an individual’s vaccination status to a third-party or to otherwise publish or share any individual’s vaccination record or similar health information. It also prohibits government entity from requiring documentation of vaccination or prophylactic treatment in order for individuals to access public property or receive government services. It prohibits government from mandating private entities to require documentation of an individual having received a vaccination or prophylactic treatment in order for individuals to access property, goods, or services. Finally, no entity with government-provided monopolistic privileges would be able to require documentation of an individual having received a vaccination or prophylactic treatment against any disease in order for the individual to access property, goods, or service
Status: This bill has passed both House and Senate and as of May 13, 2021 is in Conference Committee.
New Hampshire House Bill 220: Affirming that every person has the natural, essential, and inherent right to bodily integrity, free from any threat or compulsion by government to accept an immunization. Accordingly, no person may be compelled to receive an immunization for COVID-19 in order to secure, receive, or access any public facility, any public benefit, or any public service from the state of New Hampshire, or any political subdivision thereof, including but not limited to counties, cities, towns, precincts, water districts, school districts, school administrative units, or quasi-public entities. With exceptions listed in bill as amended.
Status: After passing the House and Senate it should be on its way to the Governor soon! On June 10th the House agreed to a Senate amendment (198y:162n). Originally passed House in March and the Senate at the end of May.
Ohio House Bill 248: This bill prohibits discrimination based on vaccine status. Applies to persons, corporations, political subdivisions, public officials, and state agencies.
Status: This bill is having very important hearings with remarkable testimony from Attorney Jim Moody and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. It is being heard in House Health committee in a series of hearings, most recently on June 8th. Click Here to listen to the June 8th Hearing.
Oregon Senate Bill 872: This bill prohibits public bodies and private entities from requiring person to receive COVID-19 vaccination or to possess COVID-19 immunity passport, immunity pass or other evidence certifying COVID-19 vaccination or immunity status.
Status: Newly introduced on June 7th, this bill has been referred to the Senate President’s desk.
Oregon House Bill 3407 : This bill would prohibit public body from issuing COVID-19 vaccine passport. Prohibits person or public body from requiring individual to state or document vaccination against or immunity to COVID-19 in order to access certain amenities. Prohibits person or public body from requiring individual to wear face covering if individual does not state or document vaccination against or immunity to COVID-19 in order to access certain amenities.
Status: Introduced on June 8th and referred to the Speakers desk. On June 14th a motion failed to remove it from the Speakers desk.
Pennsylvania Senate Bill 618: Prohibiting government entities from requiring proof of vaccination against COVID-19 to use any service, enter any building or undertake any activity within the territorial limits or the jurisdiction of the government entity.
Status: Moving in House as recently as June 10th. Already passed the Senate.
Texas Senate Bill 968: A governmental entity, may not issue a vaccine passport, vaccine pass, or other standardized documentation to certify an individual ’s COVID-19 vaccination or otherwise publish or share any individual ’s COVID-19 immunization record. A business may not require a customer to provide any documentation certifying the customer ’s COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery on entry to, to gain access to, or to receive service from the business.
Status: Awaiting Governor signature! Although news media declares that this bill is signed by the Governor, the Governor’s webpage and the Texas Legislative website does not confirm signature.
Utah House Bill 1007: This bill prohibits a face covering requirement in the system of higher education and in the public education system.
Status: Congratulations!!! The Governor signed HB1007 on May 28th.
Wisconsin Assembly Bill 316: Prohibiting the state and any governmental entity from discriminating against any person based on whether the person has received a vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, or is able to show proof of having received such a vaccine.
Status: Executive Action taken on June 9th.
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