National Health Freedom Coalition

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Since 2020, the Right to Refuse project has kept folks up to date on new laws designed to protect our ability to choose whether or not to receive a medical intervention. In this time, we have reviewed over 3,000 bills and tracked 1,076 which would protect our rights. To date, 29 states have passed 84 Right to Refuse bills. Here is a recap of the 13 bills that have passed this year:

Bills Passed January-August 2023


Hospital Visitors’ Rights


Idaho HB244: No hospital/facility visitor precautions which are more stringent than those required for staff. Visitors may not be excluded based on vaccine status.                                                                                                                                                  

Louisiana HB291: No hospital/facility visitor precautions which are more stringent than those required for staff. Facilities may not require proof of vaccination from visitors. Physical contact with patients allowed.                                                                                                                                                                 

Youth and Parent Protection


Iowa HF2298: No COVID-19 vaccine mandates for preK-12 and postsecondary schools prior to July 1, 2029.                                                                                                                                                                                    

Montana HB684: Vaccine status of parents or children may not be admitted into evidence in proceedings involving child custody or parental rights.

Idaho SB1029: Prohibits investigations and court orders terminating a parent’s relationship with their child based on the child’s immunization status.

Idaho SB1005: Childcare facilities shall notify parents of right to object for any reason to vaccine requirements. 

Death Certificates to Show Vaccine Status; Medicaid Protection


North Dakota HB1502: Death certificates to include vaccination status; health facilities cannot mandate employer COVID-19 vaccine; hospitals may not deny treatment based on COVID-19 vaccine status.     


Texas HB44: Prohibits discrimination against a Medicaid recipient or child health plan program enrollee based on immunization status.

Broad Right to Refuse Protections

Florida SB252: Businesses and government entities may not require COVID-19 testing for services or employment; employers may not discriminate based on COVID-19 vaccine status, immunity, or testing.                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Utah HB131: Public accommodations and employers may not discriminate based on vaccine status; government entities may not require any vaccine.

Idaho SB1130: Businesses may not refuse service based on COVID-19 vaccine status, require an employee to get such a vaccination with exemptions; state entity may not condition services based on COVID-19 vaccine status.

North Dakota SB2274: Unlawful to discriminate in employment, public accommodations, or public services based on immunity passport. Exceptions include vaccines required by Medicare or CDC.

Texas SB29: Government entity may not mandate: face masks to prevent spread of COVID-19, vaccination against COVID-19, or business and school closures.

As these laws show, there are many ways to protect our freedoms; some specific and some more general. And they all are based on the efforts of citizens, activists, and legislators around the USA acting to defend our rights.