Thank You to Grassroots Groups and Organizations Working to Preserve Fundamental Constitutional Rights of Bodily Autonomy and Liberty!
NHFC and NHFA want to take this opportunity to recognize and
thank some of the many state-level grassroots organizations working to protect health and medical freedom
When it comes to the Right to Refuse unwanted medical interventions, many grassroots groups are representing our voice! They are having the tough conversations required during this epic time in history in order to preserve our health freedoms. They are forging alliances with legislators and doing coalition building to ensure that any laws passed preserve liberty, privacy and bodily autonomy.
Individuals have the right to make health care choices that they believe are best for themselves and their families.
We are so grateful for groups doing advocacy work and for putting their passion into action. Some of these organizations are listed below, and NHFA is adding more to the Right to Refuse website every week. Please review their websites and missions and consider supporting them however you can. These are the heroes in our country now:
ALABAMA Acting on the state’s motto, “We Dare to Defend Our Rights,” Health Freedom Alabama coalesced during the movement that led to the passage SB267, a law banning vaccine passports. The group uses education and advocacy to be on the front line in the struggle for health freedom. CALIFORNIA California Health Coalition Advocacy CHCA initiates and influences laws and policies to expand, protect, and promote the health and well-being of Californians. This includes the right to access, consent to, and refuse products, services, treatments, Information, education, exposures, and unhealthy environments. FLORIDA American Freedom Information Institute, Inc. AFII’s mission is to research, identify, and inform on laws in the U.S. that confer, or have been claimed as conferring, legal authority to government leaders to use the state’s force to restrict or eliminate freedoms. HFF is a grassroots group representing Floridians who desire to preserve and protect our freedoms. Their mission is to protect the freedoms of our bodies and our children’s bodies and to educate the masses on the truth by tirelessly working in conjunction with several freedom groups and taking on the role of directly targeting any legislation that is trying to strip us of our freedoms. FLFK’s goal is to unite, educate, and empower others. The focus of our campaign is to preserve our religious freedom and maintain control over medical decisions. “Freedom Keepers is a community where we can ask all the questions and be heard. With our voices we empower our communities.” HAWAII For Our Rights is a non-profit organization that formed in response to blatant government overreach in the wake of COVID-19. We are committed to protecting civil liberties and bringing justice for the harms imposed by our government. INDIANA Hoosiers for Medical Liberty seeks to promote the social welfare of Hoosiers through the education of citizens and lawmakers in the state of Indiana regarding bodily autonomy, medical liberty, and informed consent. Our goal is to unite all individuals and groups working around Indiana who promote advocacy for the protection and strengthening of these fundamental rights. KANSAS KFHF’s mission is to mobilize the grassroots of Kansans to stop all mandated vaccinations; to ask our legislators to protect our rights by requiring true informed consent in all medical procedures; to re-establish financial liability for vaccine manufacturers involved in vaccine injury in our state; and to uphold and defend parental rights. KENTUCKY Kentucky Medical Freedom Coalition The Kentucky Medical Freedom Coalition exists to concentrate folks’ voices in support of Kentuckians’ right to freely make medical decisions for themselves and their families. MASSACHUSETTS Health Rights MA is a 100% grassroots citizens’ initiative. HRMA is a small, committed group of people with a goal of reaffirming and protecting the rights of the people of Massachusetts to make decisions about their own bodies through proactive health freedom legislation. MINNESOTA Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota is an all-volunteer advocacy team of parents, health professionals and educators united in the goal of protecting people from injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. NEW HAMPSHIRE HFNH’s mission is to raise awareness of health risks and health rights; to protect human rights in their state, including informed consent and medical privacy; to call for scientific integrity; and to foster community. NORTH DAKOTA HFND strives to educate North Dakotans on various healthcare treatments, to help develop and advocate for health care policies that expand freedom, and to protect consumers from fraud, harm and misinformation. OHIO HFO is a 501(c)4 politically-active non-profit organization consisting of citizens and medical and health professionals who are dedicated to raising awareness about holistic health pathways to wellness, connecting consumers and providers, and standing up against legislation that limits our freedom to choose. HFO also works toward greater transparency of, and greater access to, medical choices. PENNSYLVANIA Pennsylvania Coalition for Informed Consent PCIC’s mission is to preserve the vital personal freedom and human right to informed consent, privacy, and choice for medical procedures in Pennsylvania. We also seek to hold our legislators accountable to their sworn duty to uphold the freedoms declared in Pennsylvania’s Constitution. RHODE ISLAND HCRI advocates for the promotion and protection of the rights of Rhode Islanders to make informed, voluntary health choices and medical decisions for themselves and their families. SOUTH DAKOTA HFSD’s mission is to advocate for the rights of individuals and parents to make their own informed decisions about what medical procedures are practiced on them and their children. UTAH HIA seeks to liberate the medical profession from conflicts of interest by a “separation of powers” among medicine, law, and industry and also to cultivate mutually-supportive collaboration of medical professionals and patients, without restriction to a particular field or type of medicine. VERMONT VHC states that “Every issue has a time, and for health choice the time is now.” The COVID-19 pandemic and response has shined a bright light on the urgent need we have in front of us, to pass legislation that will protect our vital health freedoms and rights. Health Choice Vermont has been working hard to protect vital health freedoms since 2012. It was formed as a grassroots 501c4 and still has a volunteer board of hard-working individuals, plus thousands of small-donor members who agree with and support our work. WASHINGTON Creating a community to make change for a healthier world by advocating for informed decision-making in broad aspects of health and wellness for family members of all ages and empowering individuals to be leaders through education, support, and action. Informed Choice Washington is an organization of parents, families, medical professionals, educators, and Washingtonians from all walks of life, who believe in healthy immunity, personal freedoms and individual choices, including health care choices. The right to make those choices without coercion is fundamental to our civil liberties. WISCONSIN Wisconsin United For Freedom is committed to protecting fundamental rights and defending health freedom. WUF has five regional groups for folks in different parts of the state. |