The 2014 U.S. Health Freedom Congress – Exponentially Expanding the Voice of Health Freedom!
Hosted by
National Health Freedom Coalition
On September 26th and 27th, twenty five leading health freedom organizations and forty additional organizations and participants representing millions of health and freedom-conscious Americans came together. Meeting at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota, they discussed urgent concerns for health freedom and strengthened collaboration within the health freedom movement.
The event began and closed with the Health Freedom Voting Member organizations convening for one hour each day in a circle Round, beginning the first day with introducing their organizations, and closing by giving their response to the weekend work. But the great success of this year’s Congress is attributed to all leaders participating in what is known as Open Space dialogue sessions throughout the weekend; as well as attending an evening social media hands-on workshop; hearing “Stories of Freedom, Stories of Courage”; and attending the Health Freedom Awards Banquet with Keynote Barbara Loe Fisher, President of the National Vaccine Information Center. Click Here to view entire Congress Program. Each aspect of the Congress inspired and motivated leaders to work together to strengthen the entire health freedom movement. Six resolutions were passed by the 2014 Health Freedom Congress.Click to read the 2014 resolutions passed and the names of the endorsing organizations for each resolution –Resolutions: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
The Open Space Sessions were remarkable and were facilitated by Denise Lewis Premshak of Voice for HOPE, who adeptly walked leaders through the Open Space activity. Sessions gave leaders an opportunity to voice their priorities, develop focus groups, state their unique perspectives on issues before them, and then report back to the larger group with their comments and recommendations referencing the “golden nuggets” that emerged in dialogue. These wonderful words and phrases were written on colored papers and posted for all to see. Click Here to see photos of some of the nuggets brought forward.
We live in a world of technology and social media, and leaders are eager to learn more about how to use it to leverage their message for the benefit of all people. Jason Haffley from One Ninth Media and his colleague Matt Olmon, provided an exciting evening of hands-on guidance, demonstrating how leaders can expand the reach of their message by knowing how to use social media platforms and how to use them to network with, link to, and collaborate between groups. The workshop was also fun and entertaining as leaders learned more about the power of @tags, hash signs and memes! Future plans for getting the message out are now underway and we look forward to technology helping Americans know their health freedoms and how to take action to protect them.
The event culminated with the Health Freedom Awards Banquet and with the passionate address by Barbara Loe Fisher, world leader, expert, and advocate for the protection of informed consent and vaccine safety. Barbara Loe Fisher’s presentation was stunning, giving leaders the data and statistics they need to leverage the cause of human, civil and parental rights in the area of informed consent and vaccine safety.Health Freedom Awards were presented at the banquet to four outstanding health freedom leaders: Alexis Baden-Mayer of Organic Consumers Association; Judy Stone and the Michigan Nutrition Association; Vermont Right to Know GMOs Coalition, a partnership of four organizations; and Barbara Loe Fisher. Inspiring acceptance speeches were given by health freedom hero Ronnie Cummins of Organic Consumers Association, accepting on behalf of Alexis Baden-Mayer and the Vermont GMO Labeling coalition, and by Susan Gingerich accepting on behalf of Judy Stone and the Michigan Nutrition Association.
The 2014 Voting Members and attendees forged alliances and collaborative plans to ensure the vision of health freedom in our country. We encourage you to know and support these organizations and join in the health freedom movement.
View more photos from the 2014 Congress
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The 2014 US Health Freedom Congress VOTING MEMBERS
The Bolen Report
Carnicom Institute
Citizens for Health
CoMeD, Inc.
DAMS Inc. (Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions)
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
Focus Autism
Health Choice
IAACN International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists
Minnesota Natural Health – Legal Reform Project
National Health Freedom Action
National Health Freedom Coalition
North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH)
North Carolina Citizens for Healthcare Freedom
Ohio Sunshine Health Freedom Coalition
Oklahoma Health Freedom Action Network
Organic Consumers Association
Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation
Texas Health Freedom Coalition
Truehope Institute
Voice for HOPE – Healers of Planet Earth
Weston A. Price Foundation
Wisconsin Health Freedom Coalition
The 2014 US Health Freedom Congress AWARDEES
1. Alexis Baden-Mayer, Organic Consumers Association, Political Director: AWARDED “For actions of civil disobedience taken on behalf of members of the human family and health freedom, for courage, passion and inspiration provided to many Americans, and for profoundly successful and lengthy years of work with Organic Consumers Association working to ensure healthful foods and health freedom to all peoples.”
2. Judy Stone and Michigan Nutrition Association: AWARDED “For rigorous work as the Executive Director of the Michigan Nutrition Association to repeal Michigan Act 368, DIETETICS AND NUTRITION law, which was restricting freedom of speech and freedom of practice in its licensure requirements of dietitians and nutritionists, and for dedication and work inspiring many Americans that are interested in resisting monopolistic Dietitian laws across the country that negatively impact freedom of speech about nutrition.”
3. Vermont Right to Know GMOs Coalition, a partnership of the following organizations: Cedar Circle Farm & Education Center; Northeast Organic Farmers Association of Vermont; Rural Vermont; and Vermont Public Interest Research Group: AWARDED “For passing of Vermont H.112, the first no-strings-attached law requiring the mandatory labeling of GMOs (genetically modified organisms), and for outlawing the practice of labeling GMO-contaminated foods as “natural” or “all-natural” and for breaking the deadlock surrounding this issue in our country.”
4. Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center, President and Co-Founder:AWARDED “For her lifetime of work protecting the human rights of parents, children, and all members of the human family as it applies to vaccine safety. “
In SUMMARY: The coming together of these organizations and leaders marks another historic event in the movement to bring freedom in health back to all health-seekers of our country. We ask you to support these organizations in working together in peaceful collaborative efforts to regain the health and strength of our great nation.
Click here to read the entire Health Freedom Congress Program
We thank our generous Sponsors!
The 2014 US Health Freedom Congress Sponsors
Who made this gathering possible!
Gold Sponsors

Health Freedom Lunch Sponsor
Promoting Sponsor
Supporting Sponsors
Associate Sponsors
GW Health, Inc.
Iowa Holistic Dentistry
Jennifer Larson
Life Extension Foundation
Additional Donors
National Federation of Hypnotists, Local 104
National Guild of Hypnotists
Swanson Health Products