Our rights to make decisions about our own healthcare are under attack across our nation like never before. Citizens are being asked to comply with medical mandates by our government and corporations. Healthcare workers, teachers, college professors and students, firefighters, police officers, our military, state employees, retail workers, airlines employees, truck drivers, athletes, television personalities, and many others are being impacted by these demands.
People are being threatened and told to roll up their sleeve and get “fully vaccinated” or they will lose their job or access to their education. Some may lose what they have worked for all their lives, or the only way they have to feed and shelter their families. Lives and dreams for the future are being crushed, with no regard for the fundamental right of all Americans to bodily autonomy.
Parents are told not to speak out when they don’t agree to send their children to school with their vital airways covered with a piece of cloth.
Citizens who worked heroically through the pandemic are now losing their jobs, and in some cases their medical licenses or retirement benefits, because of their own personal medical decisions.
Mainstream media is refusing to report complete data, including the alarming safety risks of the vaccines. There is a conspicuous absence of reporting on injuries caused by the vaccine or on the loss of loved ones within days of an injection.
Doctors and scientists who speak out against medical mandates are quickly silenced by hostile employers and agencies. Minnesota surgeon Dr. Jeff Horak was recently fired after speaking out against mask mandates in schools, and former Minnesota Senator Scott Jenson, MD, has had five challenges against his medical license from the Minnesota Medical Board for speaking out about the incorrect reporting of Covid on death certificates of people who died from other causes.
There is severe censorship of health information, including the multitude of therapeutics already available that may help prevent and treat Covid-19 and other respiratory illnesses.
Just as we’ve done for the past 20 years, NHFC will continue to work hard to protect the rights of all people to make their own health decisions without coercion or discrimination. Our team is growing, and we are more committed than ever to our work – to raise awareness about infringements on our freedoms, and to give activists across the country the information they need to make meaningful changes that protect bodily autonomy and access to complementary and alternative healthcare.
Can you help support this important work by donating to our end of the year fundraising campaign?
We have matching pledges totaling $20,000 and a total goal of $65,000 by 12/31.
Can you make a donation before the end of the year to help us reach our goal?
Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to our matching donors: LymeplexPLUS, Spring Forest Qigong, Bales Photonics, Washington Homeopathic Products and anonymous donors.

One of the best ways to help us meet our goal of $65,000 and our full match potential is to become a monthly donor. Knowing we have your ongoing support means the world to us, and allows us to continue – and expand – our crucial work of protecting our health freedom rights.
For example, your $25 recurring donation over 12 months counts as $300 towards meeting our match, and it will be doubled to $600 thanks to our generous matching donors.
Can you pledge $15, $25, or $50 a month?
NHFC is a non-profit 501(c)3 educational organization. Your contributions may be tax deductible for charitable giving purposes.