You’re Invited!
To the NHFC & NHFA 20th Anniversary Celebration!
Via Zoom on August 25, 2021 at 7:00 pm central

Jerri Johnson, NHFA President, Co-Founder of National Health Freedom Action and National Health Freedom Coalition
After Minnesota’s Statute 146A, which went into effect July 1, 2001, first granted many Minnesota healing practitioners an exemption from the medical practice act, many people from around the country contacted Diane Miller, who had been active in the movement, for help in their states.
Diane and two colleagues, Leo Cashman and Jerri Johnson, cofounded National Health Freedom Coalition and then National health Freedom Action, to work nationally on health freedom issues. The mission included rights of healing practitioners to practice, and also vaccine exemption rights, right to refuse government or medical interventions that affect our bodies, and bringing together leading health organizations to promote collaboration in the health freedom movement.
Diane Miller, JD, Director of Law and Public Policy, has written a new book that tells about the beginning of that momentous movement. The book is Health Freedom, The Greatest Freedom of All.
Join us August 25 at 7pm CST to hear stories from NHFC and NHFA co-founders about their beginnings in working for health freedom, and their 20 years of work, continuing up to the present day!
You will be able to ask them questions, and meet other NHFC and NHFA leaders in the freedom movement.