National Health Freedom Coalition
August 2020
We hope you enjoy receiving our newsletter. NHFC is dedicated to educating you about your health freedom concerns and keeping you up to date on events, news and issues going on throughout our country. Please take time to read our articles and give us feedback on what you would like to see.
EPA on Trial
for Ignoring Fluoride as a Children’s Brain Toxin
by Leo Cashman, Director of DAMS ( Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions and Board member of National Health Freedom Coalition

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is on trial in a federal district court in San Francisco over its failure and unwillingness to classify fluoride as being toxic to children’s brains and impairing children’s ability to learn. The stakes are high as fluoride products are currently being added to the drinking water of 200 million Americans and fluoridation is promoted in fifteen other countries. Further, fluoride, a powerfully toxic germ-killer, is used in most toothpastes sold in the US, and it is touted as being safe and effective in fluoride gels, rinses and varnishes that are widely used in dentistry.
The American Dental Association (ADA) is a bastion of fluoride promotion. ADA has long forged a close partnership with the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the nation’s active fluoride promoter. The CDC works through state health departments which it heavily funds. CDC touts its water fluoridation efforts as “one of the greatest health achievements of the 20th century,”
Lobbying Challenges During a Pandemic:
Two more safe harbor practitioner
exemption bills close to passage!

National Health Freedom Coalition’s sister lobbying organization, National Health Freedom Action is supporting two Practitioner Exemption bills going forward during these unprecedented times: Wisconsin SB 492 and Massachusetts S.2634. These proactive, solution-oriented bills are needed to protect consumer access to unlicensed practitioners providing complementary health care services, including herbalist, traditional naturopaths, homeopaths, nutrition consultants, and many others. Wisconsin and Massachusetts are SO close to becoming the 12th and 13th Safe Harbor states!
However, if you follow NHFA’s work to pass Practitioner Exemption legislation for complementary and alternative health care providers, you know each state’s legislative process is unique.
Attorney Diane Miller Presenting
at Trinity Health Freedom Expo!
Trinity Expo is going Virtual October 2020!

Trinity Health Freedom Expo is an amazing gathering of experts and advocates for natural and alternative health, bringing dozens of educational lectures to the public about natural health and ways to protect our health freedom.
Diane Miller, Director of Law and Public Policy for NHFC and NHFA, will be presenting and informing listeners about the right of healing practitioners to provide services and information to their clients.
What are the barriers for you to have access to the practitioners that are right for you? What are the solutions that are already increasing access?
Diane will describe the safe harbor practitioner exemption laws and the many states that have worked to introduce legislation that would enable practitioners like herbalists, homeopaths, traditional naturopaths, health coaches and many others, to legally practice.

New Staff member Julie Booras!
We are excited to introduce the latest addition to our staff, Julie Booras.
Julie is passionate about health freedom rights and believes that each person should be free to make decisions about their own health and the health of their families without government interference. She believes in innate intelligence of the human body and that nature offers the medicines we need to heal.
Julie brings her creative, marketing and entrepreneurial skills to the team and plans to be a loud voice in the movement to protect and defend our rights to bodily autonomy through education and legislative action.
Julie will be assisting with outreach and development, to ensure the financial stability and resources for the future for both NHFC and NHFA. We are excited to have Julie Booras Join our team!