Two more Safe Harbor Practitioners Exemption bills close to passage
Lobbying challenges during a Pandemic
National Health Freedom Action is supporting two Practitioner Exemption bills going forward during these unprecedented times: Wisconsin SB 492 and Massachusetts S.2634. These proactive, solution-oriented bills are needed to protect consumer access to unlicensed practitioners providing complementary health care services, including herbalists, traditional naturopaths, homeopaths, nutrition consultants, and many others. Wisconsin and Massachusetts are SO close to becoming the 12th and 13th Safe Harbor states!
However, if you follow NHFA’s work to pass Practitioner Exemption legislation for complementary and alternative health care providers, you know each state’s legislative process is unique. This year, that is especially true due to the national pandemic. The pandemic is hampering a bill’s path into law, by restricting access to legislators and evolving timelines, and making it even more challenging for grassroots activists to feel heard and to participate in the public process. These disruptions make phone calls and electronic communications with legislators that much more important because they’re the only avenues available for citizen lobbying to take place in some states.
Wisconsin Senate Bill 492 / Assembly bill 546
WI’s exemption bill has been stalled since mid-March. It is at the second-to-last step in the legislative process, a floor vote by the entire Senate chamber! We expected Wisconsin to finish its legislative session in April but now, after a total shutdown, they won’t come back to finish up until end of August or even after November’s election! Although no one is saying they won’t come back, the 2020 waiting game in WI is unlike any other we’ve witnessed in nearly two decades of advocacy work.