National Health Freedom Coalition

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The sad fact is that divergent opinions about what is good for your health have become a politically-charged conversation in our daily lives, involving positions of power, laws, regulations, and executive orders! No longer does a person just look to their family customs and norms, the advice from their health care provider, a search on the internet, or their grandmother’s home remedies. Sometimes a person has to look to the legality of options such as alternative healers, and sometimes a person is not able or allowed to make the choices they deem important for their health.

What happens when an individual’s ability to heal and be healthy is being compromised by interference from something beyond their control? It could be exposure to public toxins that they were previously unaware of such as water fluoridation, pesticides on the walkways, or microwave radiation frequencies from antennas in the neighborhood. It could be that a medicine, herb, or remedy which people need is not accessible. Or their health condition may be stress-related in our busy culture or relate to lack of proper rest and nutrients. It could even be from unwanted policy requirements of a clinic, hospital, school, or primary care provider. 

Every week NHFC and its sister organization NHFA get pleas for help from people from across the country needing their health freedoms protected.
Situations such as, “I am a health care holistic practitioner in [x…] state but I heard that I cannot practice here. What should I do?” Or “My daughter is in the hospital, and we do not agree with the recommendations, but they will not let us leave to get a second opinion. What should we do?” Or “My son has been accepted to his favorite college, and they are requiring a vaccine before entry that he does not want. What should he do?” Or “The city has just put a short-range high frequency antenna in my neighborhood and since then I am getting headaches. What should I do?” Or “The harvesting of an endangered healing plant is jeopardizing its proliferation. What do we do?”

Each situation is different.
NHFA and NHFC can listen to these stories and educate people about the health freedom landscape, but often the necessary thing to do is to recommend that the person take legal action by getting legal representation immediately from their local community attorneys.

But every day, no matter what the stories, NHFC and NHFA are in it for the long game. NHFC’s mission is: 

To promote access to all health care information, services, treatments, and products that the people deem beneficial for their own health and survival; to promote an understanding of the laws and factors impacting the right to access; and to promote the health of the people of this nation.

So what can each of us do to protect health freedom in the long run?
I am reminded of my experience forty-five years ago, of being a Lamaze Childbirth instructor. We helped our client parents develop “birth plans” in order to assist them in having a wonderful, satisfying, healthy birthing experience. I still think the birth plan principles can be applied to all of our health-related experiences today and they can be applied to helping all of us promote the health of this nation.


Here are five steps that I recommend which seem to work for many:

1. Know your health preferences and needs. People are all different, and one size does not fit all when it comes to health. It’s helpful to articulate what your needs are and whether they are being met. Even writing it down can be helpful, it may come in handy when your health care practitioner is working to help you be well or you run into a legal situation.

2. Identify areas that are posing you problems. Do you have access to health care practitioners that you resonate with? Are you free to make choices for yourself and your family members in all areas of your health? Do you have a clean source of water and pesticide free food? What problem area is the top priority for you and your family? Figure out your own priorities.

3. Locate individuals or organizations that are working on solving that problem. There are so many wonderful organizations and health freedom advocates in our country that are working to protect health freedom. Research which ones you resonate with. Call us at NHFC and NHFA to see if we can help direct you to anyone.

4. Offer to get involved and help. Whether in your own home, or locally, or nationally, there are many ways to impact health freedom. You can join a local group working on ensuring access to healers of all kinds or join an organization giving voice locally and nationally to policy issues impacting your health. Or you can be in your own home and plant a garden to provide your family with needed nutrients.

5. Be part of the health freedom movement. Be brave, speak your truth, keep breathing, join together. We can turn the tide. Instead of the astounding statistics in our country of rampant chronic illness and suffering, we can activate our freedom to heal and bring back full health to all of us. We can do this all working together.