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Stephanie Gricius

Then, Rep. Gricius said a few words. She told us that two years ago one of her constituents came to her and pitched the idea of Stephanie introducing a bill to ban water fluoridation in Utah. Stephanie reacted skeptically, saying, “we’d never be able to do that.” After another year passed the same woman came back and asked Stephanie again to introduce such a bill. This time Stephanie said “well, let’s give it a try.” So, Stephanie, who is just now in her second term as a legislator, worked it, argued about the freedom aspects, and the ethics of water fluoridation.  By the end of February it had gone all the way, passing in the state Senate after passing the House back in January. 

And now Governor Cox, who has no strong position on fluoridation, has said that he has decided to sign it. The governor explained his thinking, saying “it’s got to be a very high bar for us, if we’re going to require people to be medicated by their government….”


And it all started in Utah with one woman who two years ago went to her legislator and asked for a bill to stop water fluoridation there.

Utah Governor Spencer Cox

Bartow, FL in the heart of phosphate fertilizer country, soon votes on whether to ban fluoridation, which uses, ironically, the industrial waste pollution that is produced in fertilizer plants there

Bartow (population about 21,000), is an interesting example because it is located in Bone Valley, Florida, a region in central Florida that has the world’s largest concentration of phosphate rock. Mosaic Company owns and operates the mining and processing of the rock, producing phosphate fertilizer and, as its most toxic pollutant byproduct, highly toxic fluoride wastes that it turns into a profitable item by claiming (without any validation by government at any level) that it is safe and beneficial for reducing child tooth decay. Mosaic has an annual gross revenue of about $12 billion per year and in 2023 had a net income of about $1.3 billion. It employs about 3,000 workers in and around Bartow. Mosaic’s financial statements don’t reveal how much of its profit is due to it peddling its hazardous fluoride waste as if it were a valuable commodity. Mosaic is very, very quiet about the fact that it is peddling its waste product to several hundred million people across America!

Fluoridation critics cite the federal court ruling that there is an unreasonable risk of child brain harm

Mayor Trish Pfieffer, Bartow, FL

But Bartow’s mayor, Trish Pfeiffer, who has an auto immune disorder, has researched what the scientific studies actually say, and she is leading the effort to halt water fluoridation. At a recent public hearing, attracting national attention, a pro-fluoridation dentist, Johnny Johnson, debated the expert fluoride critics, namely two biological dentists, a PhD scientist, and Joseph Ladapo, MD, PhD, who is Florida’s surgeon general. The critics cited the verdict last September in federal district court in which the judge ruled that water fluoridation poses an “unreasonable risk” to the brains of America’s children and ordered the EPA to adopt rules to start protecting children in America from current fluoridation practices as set by the CDC. Dr Ladapo, who has deeply looked into the published science, also cited that legal finding that

 “fluoride is neurotoxic” but went farther, saying that water fluoridation “is public health malpractice.” He sees that it is actually harmful to everyone – people of “all” ages, saying that “…in my family we’ve pulled back in terms of sources of fluoride because we’re concerned about the effects in adults also.” Several workers from the nearby phosphate fertilizer plant also showed up at the hearing, and they testified against continuing the water fluoridation. They hate handling the hazardous fluoride waste product, and one of them testified that he has suffered serious lung damage from inhaling the fumes of the dangerous waste product.


Bartow’s Mayor Trish Pfeiffer, cited the dangerous waste product in her remarks, saying people should have a choice of whether it is added to their water. “It’s a freaking corrosive acid,” she exclaimed. The Bartow commissioners are expected to vote this coming Monday, March 17th on whether they agree with Mayor Pfeiffer and halt water fluoridation in their town.


Meanwhile, the edifice of water fluoridation is already crumbling apart around the US. By last count, at least 50 towns and counties around the US have halted and reversed water fluoridation since the federal district court’s ruling in September of last year finding that it risks harm to children’s intelligence and, together, they provide water to about 4.2 million Americans. In Florida alone, at least 22 towns and cities have halted water fluoridation and, together, they provide water – water that is now cleaner – to 2.69 million Floridians. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is fully in support of a state-wide ban and if the legislature would pass a bill to ban state-wide, he would be quick to sign it.