National Health Freedom Coalition

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Two states, Massachusetts and Oklahoma, filed bills this 2025 session, to pass laws protecting access to complementary and alternative healthcare practitioners such as herbalists, homeopaths, traditional naturopaths and more.  Other states have active groups or groups that are beginning to organize. 

The states that currently have these “Safe Harbor” laws enjoy access to practitioners who provide various non-invasive healing practices such as aroma therapy, reiki, reflexology, homeopathy, electrodermal screening, and herbology. Without a Safe Harbor law, these complementary and alternative healthcare practitioners would be in jeopardy of being in violation of medical practices acts, and in some states could be prosecuted for “practicing medicine without a license” as the definitions in these acts are very broad and can encompass almost all healing. Safe Harbor laws promote transparency, as the healthcare practitioner must provide disclosures to the consumer.  These laws protect consumers, as they show clearly what the healthcare practitioner cannot do to remain within the law. Eleven states now have passed Safe Harbor laws, though they vary in their scope.




In 2025 Massachusetts, companion bills SB1481 and HB2504 were filed and referred to the Committee on Public Health.  The bills, each entitled “An Act providing for consumer access to and the right to practice complementary and alternative health care services” provide that these practitioners are exempt from licensing laws unless they fail to comply with disclosure requirements or engage in prohibited invasive and potentially harmful acts like puncturing the skin of a person or using radiation.  These bills are active and we hope they will be move through committees and be signed into law!




2025 Oklahoma SB361 and HB1145, both Safe Harbor bills, were filed and referred to Committee.  The two Oklahoma bills, though worded slightly differently, focus on both traditional and indigenous healing therapies.  They include a statement of intent, that “[t]he Legislature intends, by its enactment of this section, to protect and preserve by this state, unfettered public access to all indigenous or traditional healing therapies and to protect and preserve the right to practice and provide services according to this section.”  Although the Oklahoma bills remain in Committee, we have heard that unfortunately they will not go farther this session. We are hoping that next session they will be refiled and passed into law! 


Call 507-663-9018 or email our sister organization, National Health Freedom Action at, to speak with one of our attorneys and our lobbying specialist about passing a Safe Harbor bill in your state!