Informed Consent is in Peril
when the FDA and Vaccine Companies
Deny Potential Danger

DNA contamination of Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 booster shots.
Microbiologist Kevin McKernan, chief scientific officer and founder of Medicinal Genomics, former team leader and researcher for the Human Genome Project at MIT, published findings of DNA contamination in Pfizer and Moderna bivalent Covid-19 booster shots in April 2023.i What does this mean? Since there is a decade long body of peer reviewed science showing that both mRNA fragments and DNA fragments can regulate the expression of genes, as well as enter and combine with our human genomic DNA,ii these potential contaminants leave us asking what can happen when the mRNA or the plasmid contaminant DNA pieces get into our genetic ancestral line.
Although the FDA and the CDC were notified of the potential discovery as early as last April, the FDA and the CDC have not, as of now (early November 2023) provided any response or guidance to the public regarding this finding.
Informed consent is now in serious jeopardy. And the public is still being urged to take mRNA vaccines. Regulators and the mainstream media have made no effort to alert the public or investigate the matter.
McKernan’s work sounding the alarm.
As of October 3, 2023, several other researchers had independently confirmed McKernan’s findings of DNA contamination.iii Further, even Health Canada has admitted to the presence of a “biologically functional” piece of DNA sequence from a Simian Virus 40:
Health Canada: “Health Canada has confirmed the presence of a Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, which the manufacturer had not previously disclosed. There is debate among scientists with regards to the significance of the finding, with some saying the DNA sequence has the potential to cause cancer, and others saying it poses little to no threat. “Health Canada expects sponsors to identify any biologically functional DNA sequences within a plasmid (such as an SV40 enhancer) at the time of submission,” the agency said in an email to The Epoch Times.iv
University of South Carolina professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults (Ph. D in both Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) testified before a South Carolina Senate Committee, stating:
“We should check a bunch of vaccinated people to see if plasmid DNA has integrated into their genomic DNA. We (you) should insist that the USFDA force Pfizer to get the DNA out of the booster and all future mRNA based vaccines.” v
And, from his PowerPoint:
“The Pfizer mRNA vaccine is contaminated with the plasmid DNA vector that was used as the template for in vitro transcription reaction. This DNA could be the cause of some of the rare but serious side effects like death from cardiac arrest. The DNA can and likely will integrate into the genomes of transfected cells. There is a very real hazard for genomic modification of long-lived somatic cells, which could cause sustained autoimmune attack toward that tissue. There is also theoretical risk of future cancer, depending on the piece of DNA and the site of integration.”
Search for truth.
FDA and CDC have made assurances that there can be no integration of this mRNA or DNA into a person’s However one major study in mice has shown that such vaccine mRNA can be taken up into the cell’s nucleus and can be taken up into the recipient’s genome and passed down to future generations.vii
Will next productions be genetically tainted?
These potential contaminations leave us asking what can happen when the mRNA or the plasmid contaminant DNA pieces get into sperm or eggs, the cells that must combine to form new life. If a sperm or an egg has been genetically altered, the offspring, if it survives, can inherit a genetic code made up of mom and dad plus mRNA or else pieces of plasmid DNA that were carried along in the shot. The silence and cover-up of these issues violates the consumer’s right to truthful information and information that is vital to informed consent, a cornerstone of our health freedoms.
Testing the genome now of various people.
As to whether some of that DNA and SV40 contaminant in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines as well as the Johnson and Johnson, has been actually integrated into the DNA of actual people, leading edge scientists are working to find the answer. The scientists are sequencing the genome of about 30 people of different backgrounds who have, and have not, received the various mRNA shots and boosters. The scientists doing this testing will get some real-world answers as to whether and how much the human genome has been altered both in the ordinary cells of the body and in the reproductive cells, the sperm and the egg. Results are expected before the end of November 2023. Some may find out that they are carrying genes derived not just from mom and dad but also from a COVID-19 vaccine injection.
i McKernan, Kevin, et al. “Sequencing of Bivalent Moderna and Pfizer mRNA Vaccines Reveals Nanogram to Microgram Quantities of Expression Vector DsDNA Per Dose.” OSF Preprints, 10 Apr. 2023. Web.
ii Dr. Robert Malone Substack, mod-mRNA Vaccines
iii Dr. Joseph Mercola Alarming COVID Jab Contamination Shocks Scientists October 3, 2023
iv Health Canada Epoch Times audio link:
v Testimony power point of Philip Buckhaults PhD to the South Carolina Senate
vi FDA statement that there is no integration into the human genome. U.S. Food and Drug Administration spokesperson. Email to 5 October 2023
vii PLOS Pathogens September 2, 2022 DOI:10.1391/journal.ppat.1010830