Meet the Team at NHFC
Each and every day the NHFC team is immersed in teaching citizens about their health freedom rights, the laws that support those rights, and how to engage in the lawmaking process when there is a need for change.
Our work and our team have significantly expanded since 2020 and we wanted to give you a look inside at who we are and what we all do!

Attorney Diane Miller is one of the co-founders of NHFC and acts as the Law and Public Policy Advisor. She is the author of the book “Health Freedom: The Greatest Freedom of All.”
Diane provides a wealth of expertise in the area of state, national, and international health freedom issues and gives input and guidance on key decisions and the direction of our work.
Staff Attorney Steven O’Connor oversees our Right to Refuse project. Steven assists state groups who are working on bills protecting medical autonomy. He tracks legislation for our Right to Refuse website and writes articles on important legal developments around the USA.
Steven also assists folks who contact us for help on a wide variety of health freedom issues.

Petra Brokken is the newest Staff Attorney at NHFC. Her work includes overseeing our Safe Harbor project, helping states that want to protect the right to use and practice complementary and alternative healthcare modalities.
Petra is a long-time health freedom activist with a special interest in protecting the public from EMF exposure.
Nate Gorman is the Legislative Policy Advisor for NHFC. Nate helps with both Right to Refuse and Safe Harbor efforts around the USA, sharing experiences and strategies that have proven effective in passing legislation.
Nate is a former lobbyist, and his work contributed to the successful passage of Colorado’s Safe Harbor exemption bill in 2013.

Julie Booras handles Public Outreach and Development. Julie brings her creative, marketing, and entrepreneurial skills to our organization to help ensure the financial stability of NHFC, and is the lead on our fundraising projects.
Julie is a loud voice in the movement to protect and defend our rights to bodily autonomy through education and legislative efforts both in her home state of Massachusetts and across the nation, as one of the co-founders of the Right to Refuse Legislative Project.
Judy Buroker is the Executive Office Administrator for NHFC.
She has been with our organization since 2007. Judy keeps all of our websites up to date, manages our database and advocacy software, does bookkeeping and ledgering, assists in fundraising processes, and schedules and oversees staff and board meetings. Judy also helps in the planning and execution of the US Health Freedom Congresses.
Judy’s organizational skills keep everything running smoothly!

Leo Cashman is a co-founder of NHFC. Leo oversees the accounting functions for NHFC, pays the bills, creates our financial statements, and does our tax filings and yearly IRS reporting.
Leo is also the Executive Director for DAMS, Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions, an educational non-profit which works on dental-health issues, such as mercury fillings and their harmful effects.
Jerri Johnson is one of the co-founders of NHFC. She offers key oversight along with expertise in fundraising and public relations and the wide world of health freedom.
Jerri is a homeopath, former nurse, and devoted activist who helps the NHFC team with development.

Our work and our team have significantly expanded since 2020 so we have
a larger fundraising goal than ever before!
Can you help support this urgent work?
Thanks to generous matching pledges the first $25,000 in donations will be DOUBLED.
We have a total goal of $70,000 by 12/31/23!
We appreciate any amount you can give,
whether it’s a one-time donation or a recurring gift.
One of the best ways to help us meet our goal of $70,000 and our full match potential
is to become a monthly donor. For example, your $25 recurring donation over 12 months
counts as $300 towards meeting our match, and it will be doubled to $600 thanks to
our generous matching donors. Can you pledge $15, $25, or $50 a month?
Knowing we have your ongoing support means the world to us and allows us to continue –
and expand – our crucial work of protecting our health freedom rights.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to our matching donors:
Steve and Jerri Johnson, Mary Langeron and Nicholas Rumin, Ned Wuertz, Jigsaw Health, and anonymous donors.
Now more than ever it is important that we use the tools that are available to us as Americans.
Together we can create the “change we wish to see in the world”; change that will protect our rights to make choices about our own health and the health of our children.
Donate by Credit Card, ACH or by mail
NHFC is a 501(c)3 is a non-profit educational organization and your donations may be tax-deductible for charitable giving purposes.