NHFC’s Recap of 2020
Onward to the NHFC Vision for Health Freedom in 2021

NHFC is passionate about the freedom to make one’s own health care and healing choices. 2020 brought many attempts of infringements on this very personal and sacred fundamental right and freedom. We energetically participated in several projects in 2020 to give a voice to the protection of health freedom.
NHFC’s attorneys had opportunities to give online presentations on a number of laws impacting health freedoms including, for example, laws on the right of all healing practitioners to practice and laws regarding Governor powers during health emergencies. We were so impassioned we even envisioned and drafted model laws for protecting the right of people to refuse health measures that do not have a person’s consent and laws prohibiting coercion or attempts to force people to do things they otherwise would not do during a public health emergency. With calls from many groups around the country we were able to educate groups wanting to know how to be politically active and how to impact public policy, activating many persons to participate in the governance process.
NHFC applauds Maine’s 2020 passage of a safe harbor practitioner exemption law, making Maine the eleventh state to ensure consumer access to herbalists, homeopaths, health coaches, and many others, and their right to practice. Other states are contacting our sister lobbying organization, National Health Freedom Action, to help them do the same thing. Massachusetts and Wisconsin had safe harbor active bills in 2020 that made it through committees successfully but because of the 2020 legislative restrictive schedules their bills did not pass and they are starting over now in 2021.
It is a historic time of focus on vaccines – who gets to decide whether a person may or may not have a particular vaccine injected into their body? NHFC stands firmly for the right of each individual to make that determination and that coercion must never be employed as a tool for vaccine decision-making. NHFC is a busy hub of information and is contacted by many people. We work to network key leaders together that have common visions.
The right of each person to decline health countermeasures during a declared governmental emergency is a right that has been deeply challenged in 2020. It has engendered hot debate and caused polarity in government as well as between friends and family. Countermeasures have included testing, tracking and vaccination and these all impact health freedom. NHFC strongly supports the protection of self-determination and consent in all health care decisions, during peacetime, or during emergencies.
NHFC was privileged to give presentations at a large number of virtual conferences, educating listeners about their rights, about laws that impact their freedoms, and how they can become active in making changes for health freedom. Here are some of our presentations and articles that you might want to view from 2020:
“Practitioner Safe Harbor Exemption Laws for Complementary and Alternative Health Practitioners,” Presentation at Trinity Expo – Oct 24-25, 2020
“We the People of the World; US Constitutional Questions During Emergency Powers,” Presentation at Turning Point 2020 – Oct 23, 2020
“The Fundamental Constitutional Right to Make One’s Own Health Decisions Is a Matter of Survival,” Presentation: National Video – Nov 3, 2020
“Homeopathic Practice and State Laws,” Presentation: Premade Video for 2020 HomeoSummit aired Oct 2, 2020
Interview on Robert Scott Bell show: September 18, 2020
NHFC Articles:
- Consent is the Bedrock of Health Freedom!
- The Fundamental Constitutional Right to Make One’s Own Health Decisions: It’s a Matter of Health and Survival
- A Federal Court Protects the Constitutional Rights of Citizens during COVID!
- Citizens Not Able to Sue for Injury or Death from COVID Vaccines and Other Pandemic Countermeasures
- Corona Virus: Who to Trust, A short message from NHFC’s Law and Public Policy Director, Diane Miller JD
- The Michigan Emergency Powers of the Governor Act DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL by Supreme Court of Michigan, October 13, 2020
- A Federal Court Protects the Constitutional Rights of Citizens during COVID! September 21, 2020
Onward to Our Vision for Health Freedom in 2021
2021 already proves to be a New Day. That is because so many more American’s are becoming active in learning about their rights and health freedoms and deciding to take action. NHFC’s vision for 2021 is to fully honor and bring awareness to the fact that all people have an inherent right as human beings to make their own decisions when it comes to their health, healing, and survival. This simple truth is part of the human spirit and experience. Individuals are in charge of their own destiny. And 2021 is showing us that more people are acknowledging that fact and ready to protect their freedom.
NHFC plans to spread the word in 2021 that the Right to Refuse and Right to Choose health countermeasures, being brought forward by governments and corporations, is a basic health freedom we all plan to embrace. We understand that the ongoing hot debate will not be easy. But we want people to understand that recommended countermeasures must always remain voluntary when they impact personal health. And that testing, tracking, vaccinations, and other countermeasures all must require consent of the person participating. NHFC strongly supports the protection of self-determination and consent in all health care decisions, during peacetime, or during emergencies.
NHFC is a great educator and communicator and will respond to opportunities throughout the 2021 year to voice the truths of health freedom. Whether it be to support the right of healing practitioners who do not pose a risk of harm to the public to practice their vocations such as homeopaths, herbalists, and traditional naturopaths, or whether it be to protect the right of parents to make health decisions for their children including the right to choose or decline vaccines, NHFC will be a voice for health freedom.
We look forward to serving you in this historic year ahead for health freedom.