NHFC’s Recap of 2020
Onward to the NHFC Vision for Health Freedom in 2021

NHFC is passionate about the freedom to make one’s own health care and healing choices. 2020 brought many attempts of infringements on this very personal and sacred fundamental right and freedom. We energetically participated in several projects in 2020 to give a voice to the protection of health freedom.
NHFC’s attorneys had opportunities to give online presentations on a number of laws impacting health freedoms including, for example, laws on the right of all healing practitioners to practice and laws regarding Governor powers during health emergencies. We were so impassioned we even envisioned and drafted model laws for protecting the right of people to refuse health measures that do not have a person’s consent and laws prohibiting coercion or attempts to force people to do things they otherwise would not do during a public health emergency. With calls from many groups around the country we were able to educate groups wanting to know how to be politically active and how to impact public policy, activating many persons to participate in the governance process.
NHFC applauds Maine’s 2020 passage of a safe harbor practitioner exemption law, making Maine the eleventh state to ensure consumer access to herbalists, homeopaths, health coaches, and many others, and their right to practice. Other states are contacting our sister lobbying organization, National Health Freedom Action, to help them do the same thing. Massachusetts and Wisconsin had safe harbor active bills in 2020 that made it through committees successfully but because of the 2020 legislative restrictive schedules their bills did not pass and they are starting over now in 2021.
It is a historic time of focus on vaccines – who gets to decide whether a person may or may not have a particular vaccine injected into their body? NHFC stands firmly for the right of each individual to make that determination and that coercion must never be employed as a tool for vaccine decision-making. NHFC is a busy hub of information and is contacted by many people. We work to network key leaders together that have common visions.
Seeking Health Information and Ways to Maintain Your Health:
An Eternal Adventure of Life
We want to help! NHFC supports your access to all health care information, services, treatments and products that you deem beneficial for your own health and survival.
2021 gives us a great opportunity to learn even more about things that help us stay strong and happy during times when there is a potential wave of illness. In this challenging year of crisis, it is noticeable that governments and mainstream media have been offering only solutions such as social distancing, washing your hands, and wearing a mask, but have not been informing the public about basic immune strengthening measures such as Vitamin D, Vitamin C, minerals such as zinc and magnesium, avoiding sugar, and many other helpful measures. In fact, even information about off-label use of helpful drugs by medical doctors has been suppressed. The entire focus has been on the hope for a vaccine. But Americans are seekers, and there are many paths to wellness!
There are innumerable resources available to help people live healthy lives in the face of crisis, including nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathic remedies, energy healing, and many other approaches.
NHFC and our sister organization NHFA have worked for the past 20 years to protect access to thousands of health options. We have worked to ensure the right of many practitioners of the healing arts to offer their services and their wisdom and knowledge to the public. In our work we have met remarkable professionals and business owners dedicated to health and wholeness. We support your right to find who and what you need in your journey to wellness. We encourage you to keep on seeking and educating yourself about building better health and resistance to disease. We pledge to continue working to ensure access to the healing resources you desire.
Click on the recent articles below that we thought you might appreciate.
Six Foods that Support Your Immune System!
5 Herbs to Support Your Immune System!
Have a healthy and happy New Year!
NHFC’s Coronavirus Page

For the last nine months, we have been gathering articles from our health freedom colleagues regarding the facts about coronavirus and information that is out there that is true and false.
We encourage you to continue to check out our coronavirus page as new articles are posted regularly so that we can share the latest information for our supporters.
Congratulations to staff member Anne Gillum
and the birth of her daughter, Piper!

We are excited to announce a new member to our health freedom family. Piper Gillum was born on August 21, 2020, daughter of Anne and Pat Gillum. Piper is already taking part in zoom calls with staff members. Congratulations Anne!
Anne is Assistant Attorney for both National Health Freedom Coalition and Action. She is very active in helping state groups with issues in their states and promoting safe harbor laws for complementary and alternative health care providers.
Anne is essential to our organization and we are very blessed to have her on board. Thank you Anne!