National Health Freedom Coalition

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SUMMER! The Best Time to Get Your Bill and Sponsors Lined up for the 2025 Session

Here is an email from our sister organization, National Health Freedom Action, that we thought you might be interested in. Now is the time to begin drafting Safe Harbor, Right to Refuse, and other health freedom bills for 2025. Contact us for help with every stage of creating and passing a health freedom law! Safe […]

SUMMER! The Best Time to Get Your Bill and Sponsors Lined up for the 2025 Session Read More »

Safe Harbor Update – Legislative Session 2023-2024

We thought you might be interested in an email that our sister organization, National Health Freedom Action, sent out about our Safe Harbor work! Please read below. SAFE HARBOR UPDATE Legislative 2023-2024 “Safe Harbor Practitioner Exemption” Bills
 Protecting Unlicensed Practitioners and Freedom in Health Care National Health Freedom Action (NHFA) provides support for groups working

Safe Harbor Update – Legislative Session 2023-2024 Read More »

Check out our2023 NHFC Annual Report -now posted on our website!

Check out our2023 NHFC Annual Report – now posted on our website!   Despite attacks on freedom in 2023, NHFC is still here, working to protect inherent rights, our natural rights, considered sacred. Our organization is one of few non-profits that stand firm to protect a practitioner’s right to serve, and for people to have

Check out our2023 NHFC Annual Report -now posted on our website! Read More »


We are at a critical juncture in the fight for our health freedoms. Our ability to make independent health decisions is under unprecedented threat. As our government, at every level, tests the limits of its influence over our personal health choices, it is clear that we, the people, must stand in the gap to protect


Geoengineering: What is it and what does it have to do with climate or warfare?

Geoengineering is a term that is used to describe large scale manipulation of weather. Usually engineering itself is an application of science to an industrial process or a machine. Geoengineering is a specific type of engineering with the goal of modification of the earth itself. Media portrayals of geoengineering typically describe possible ways to alter

Geoengineering: What is it and what does it have to do with climate or warfare? Read More »

The Carrot and the Stick: Condition-Based Healthcare Grants mean Federal Government can “Encourage” State-Level Policies

The Carrot and the Stick: Condition-Based Healthcare Grants mean Federal Government can “Encourage” State-Level Policies We are usually aware when the government attempts to bluntly use a “stick” to mandate citizen behavior and actions. But did you know that government also uses the “carrot;” e.g., money for healthcare issues can be made available on condition

The Carrot and the Stick: Condition-Based Healthcare Grants mean Federal Government can “Encourage” State-Level Policies Read More »

Protect Small Farmers & Ranchers from Forced Electronic ID for Cattle: Take Action!

US Senate Bill 4282 WouldHalt Mandatory CattleElectronic ID Rule –Take Action Now! TAKE ACTION HERE According to our friends at the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, the USDA has issued a final rule that mandates electronic tagging for cattle crossing state lines.  In six months, cattle and bison crossing state lines will not be able

Protect Small Farmers & Ranchers from Forced Electronic ID for Cattle: Take Action! Read More »

Religious Exemptions in the US: Action Needed in Massachusetts, New York, and Alabama

Protecting Religious and Personal K-12 VaccineExemptions: Nationwide Roundup and Take Action in Massachusetts, New York, and Alabama Last week we reported on Connecticut’s 2021 removal of its K-12 vaccination religious exemption and the prospect of the US Supreme Court deciding whether this is allowed under the First Amendment. This week we survey the status of

Religious Exemptions in the US: Action Needed in Massachusetts, New York, and Alabama Read More »