National Health Freedom Coalition

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Informed Consent is in Peril when the FDA and Vaccine Companies Deny Potential Danger

Informed Consent is in Perilwhen the FDA and Vaccine CompaniesDeny Potential Danger DNA contamination of Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 booster shots.    Microbiologist Kevin McKernan, chief scientific officer and founder of Medicinal Genomics, former team leader and researcher for the Human Genome Project at MIT, published findings of DNA contamination in Pfizer and Moderna bivalent […]

Informed Consent is in Peril when the FDA and Vaccine Companies Deny Potential Danger Read More »

Don’t Miss Diane Miller JD Speaking at the Trinity Expo this Weekend

Don’t Miss Attorney Diane Miller at the Trinity Health Freedom Expo This Weekend!Oct 14-15 Tinley Park, Illinois Presentation: Shaping Laws to Protect Personal Freedom & Healing Rights with Diane Miller, JDSunday Oct 15th 1:00 CST   NHFA will share with you its work supporting groups at state legislatures who are changing laws to protect health

Don’t Miss Diane Miller JD Speaking at the Trinity Expo this Weekend Read More »

Defending Free Speech in the COVID-19 Era: Challenges and Successes

Defending Free Speech in the COVID-19 Era: Challenges and Successes Free speech in the health freedom arena has been under attack for many years, but this phenomenon has exploded in the COVID-19 era, with many forms of radical censorship being applied. Doctors have lost their licenses and certifications for daring to critique lockdowns, vaccines, and

Defending Free Speech in the COVID-19 Era: Challenges and Successes Read More »

Video Now Available of Aaron Siri’s Brilliant Presentation

Thank you to our friends at Mask Off MN, Stop the Mandate MN and Vaccine Safety Council of Minesota (VSCM) for sponsoring a presentation from prominent health freedom attorney Aaron Siri, Esq. who presented data and history to support the need for informed consent and vaccine exemptions.  Vaccinations in the US have become an increasingly

Video Now Available of Aaron Siri’s Brilliant Presentation Read More »

2023 World Congress Prague – Presentation by Diane Miller JD

2023 World Congress Prague – Presentation by Diane Miller JD On September 16, 2023, Diane Miller JD, the Law and Public Policy Advisor for National Health Freedom Action and National Health Freedom Coalition gave a virtual presentation at the World Health Congress 2023 Prague.  Diane was the only attorney invited to participate at the World

2023 World Congress Prague – Presentation by Diane Miller JD Read More »

Free Speech Wins

Free Speech Wins! In a major civil rights decision about government censorship, on Friday September 8 the US District Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit mostly upheld a lower court decision granting a preliminary injunction that banned federal officials from telling social media companies what materials should be allowed on their sites. This opinion

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