National Health Freedom Coalition

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We are at a critical juncture in the fight for our health freedoms. Our ability to make independent health decisions is under unprecedented threat. As our government, at every level, tests the limits of its influence over our personal health choices, it is clear that we, the people, must stand in the gap to protect […]


Geoengineering: What is it and what does it have to do with climate or warfare?

Geoengineering is a term that is used to describe large scale manipulation of weather. Usually engineering itself is an application of science to an industrial process or a machine. Geoengineering is a specific type of engineering with the goal of modification of the earth itself. Media portrayals of geoengineering typically describe possible ways to alter

Geoengineering: What is it and what does it have to do with climate or warfare? Read More »

The Carrot and the Stick: Condition-Based Healthcare Grants mean Federal Government can “Encourage” State-Level Policies

The Carrot and the Stick: Condition-Based Healthcare Grants mean Federal Government can “Encourage” State-Level Policies We are usually aware when the government attempts to bluntly use a “stick” to mandate citizen behavior and actions. But did you know that government also uses the “carrot;” e.g., money for healthcare issues can be made available on condition

The Carrot and the Stick: Condition-Based Healthcare Grants mean Federal Government can “Encourage” State-Level Policies Read More »

Protect Small Farmers & Ranchers from Forced Electronic ID for Cattle: Take Action!

US Senate Bill 4282 WouldHalt Mandatory CattleElectronic ID Rule –Take Action Now! TAKE ACTION HERE According to our friends at the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, the USDA has issued a final rule that mandates electronic tagging for cattle crossing state lines.  In six months, cattle and bison crossing state lines will not be able

Protect Small Farmers & Ranchers from Forced Electronic ID for Cattle: Take Action! Read More »

Religious Exemptions in the US: Action Needed in Massachusetts, New York, and Alabama

Protecting Religious and Personal K-12 VaccineExemptions: Nationwide Roundup and Take Action in Massachusetts, New York, and Alabama Last week we reported on Connecticut’s 2021 removal of its K-12 vaccination religious exemption and the prospect of the US Supreme Court deciding whether this is allowed under the First Amendment. This week we survey the status of

Religious Exemptions in the US: Action Needed in Massachusetts, New York, and Alabama Read More »

Supreme Court May Decide if Removal of Religious Vaccine Exemptions Violates the First Amendment in Connecticut Case

Supreme Court May Decideif Removal of Religious VaccineExemptions Violates the FirstAmendment in Connecticut Case Written by Steven O’Conner, JD, Staff Attorney NHFA & NHFC In 2014 all states except Mississippi and West Virginia had religious or philosophical exemptions for K-12 school vaccine mandates, in addition to the option of a medical exemption. But in 2015,

Supreme Court May Decide if Removal of Religious Vaccine Exemptions Violates the First Amendment in Connecticut Case Read More »

The Differences Between Laws and Regulations:Points to Remember

The Differences Between Laws and Regulations:Points to Remember The terms “law,” “regulation,” “rule,” and “order” are sometimes used interchangeably, but actually they are not the same. So, we hope this is a helpful guide in understanding the important differences between these terms, terms that reflect the very basic architecture of our great country and its

The Differences Between Laws and Regulations:Points to Remember Read More »

Let’s Salute the Victory:Amalgam to be banned across the European Union

Let’s Salute the Victory:Amalgam to be banned across the European Union The following article was written in Swedish by Ann-Marie Lidmark, former President of Tandhalsoforbundet, an organization whose name translates as meaning “Dental-Health-Connection.” It was translated from Swedish to English by Marta Sonnenblick, a DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions) leader in California. Here is Ann-Marie’s

Let’s Salute the Victory:Amalgam to be banned across the European Union Read More »

Doctors Reach Deal with FDA: Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to be Removed in Win for Medical Freedom

Doctors Reach Deal with FDA: Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to be Removed in Win for Medical Freedom @US_FDA “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.” “Why you should not use ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19” Back in 2021 and 2022, and to this day, appropriate medical treatment for COVID-19

Doctors Reach Deal with FDA: Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to be Removed in Win for Medical Freedom Read More »