National Health Freedom Coalition

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Coercing Social Media Companies to Censor “Mis-information”?

Did the US Government and its Agencies Coerce Social Media Companies to Censor “Mis-information?” Supreme Court Has Taken Up the Case On March 18, 2024, the US Supreme Court took up the case of Murthy v Missouri, a freedom of speech, First Amendment case in which US federal agencies and President Biden were accused of […]

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EPA has only shaky science in its defense of inaction over water fluoridation

In the first part of the landmark trial against the EPA regarding the damage done from fluoride to children’s brains, the plaintiffs made their case through the testimony of their scientists. In our review of that part of the trial, we covered the plaintiffs, their competent, honest scientist expert witnesses, and he EPA’s failure to

EPA has only shaky science in its defense of inaction over water fluoridation Read More »

A letter to children and grandchildren about freedom and health

A letter to children and grandchildren about freedom and health I know that you may have witnessed your own mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, family, and friends all running around the country testifying at hearings, writing books, protesting at rallies, and being on the phone for hours.  Well in short, it is because many elders believe

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As Fluoride Trial Wraps Up, EPA Defends its Inaction Citing “Scientific Uncertainty”

As Fluoride Trial Wraps Up, EPA Defends its Inaction Citing “Scientific Uncertainty” Fluoride Action Network (FAN) attorney Michael Connett Final arguments have been made by the attorneys for the two sides in the federal court fluoride trial, and a clash of ideas has been laid before the judge. The plaintiffs, buttressed by expert testimony of

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Controversial Public Water Fluoridation: Legislation and Litigation

Controversial Public Water Fluoridation: Legislation and Litigation Public water fluoridation is contentious because it basically constitutes a non-consensual medical intervention, something that in most cases is not allowed. While most federal and state regulators say it is safe, there is much evidence that it is significantly harmful to people’s health, including recent evidence that it

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State Powers at Work

State Powers at Work! Forcible Face Masking has been Banned in at Least Three States, and Yours can Too! As noted by Justice Kennedy of the US Supreme Court, our Constitution was meant to “split the atom of sovereignty” creating “two political capacities, one state and one federal, each protected from incursion by the other.”

State Powers at Work Read More »